Yesterday, we took our first ZipCar out for an afternoon of errands. Eliza, in the past, has liked car rides and we figured that she'd be asleep most of the time. And she was... when the car was in motion. When we parked somewhere, like at the Babies/Toys-R-Us, Mommy ran in to do what was needed and Daddy stayed with the sleeping baby.
Well, the baby didn't sleep for long. Within minutes Eliza would cry. Diaper? Gas? Hunger? All of the above and then some. Mommy was summoned back to the car, via cell (and thank goodness for the cell phone) only twice (because that number happens to be one less the total amount of trips Mommy made into stores leaving Daddy and Eliza alone. Shame on Mommy. In all fairness, the two places I ran into where the ones with the longest lines. So there!).
All in all, I think Eliza liked the trip. After Mommy ran back to feed an upset Eliza in the car after her first crying bout, we all went inside the Babies/Toys-R-Us (where we happened to be) and divided and conquered our to-do list (returns and purchases), Daddy was able to pick out some very nice clothes for Eliza from the sale rack while Mommy finished feeding Eliza in the Maternity Room Babies-R-Us puts in all of their stores (thank heavens). It took up a big chunk of our day, but I guess that's the reality of having a baby. Everything takes twice as long to do. Which is okay, because we have a twice as cute baby.
A picture would have been added, but Mommy took one with her cell phone's camera and it didn't save because her phone's picture capacity was maxed out with other photos of the sweetpea. How forgetful of Mommy. However, it wasn't Eliza's first car trip. So as far as milestones go it, wasn't in the top 100. On the bright side, it's a good thing there are many more car trips in her future to document, and she'll only be more compliant and less hard on Daddy next time. All the better for more picture taking moments.