Since we last wrote, we have been trying to get used to most every day being girls-only day. Just when you think you've got something figured out, the baby goes ahead and changes things on you. Exciting? Well, if you like to be kept on your toes while on at most 3 hours sleep and about 300 calories, then yes. Of course we are deeply in love with Eliza, so even a night with no sleep is a night that is worth being a parent (for reals, people!).
To shake things up a bit, Mommy and Eliza decided to venture out of their house today. We've been into Manhattan for the doctor and the lactation consultant, but we haven't done much to introduce Eliza to the neighborhood we live in. Since later this week the temperature will be hovering around the freezing mark, Mommy thought today was as good as any day.
After a big feeding and a diaper change, we bundled up, loaded Eliza up in the Moby wrap, and walked outside. This was, of course, after Miss Kelsey took 15 minutes to express how unhappy she was with being bundled up and squashed into a baby carrier. But we talked it out and were on our way.
The cold was a bit of a shock to our daughter, who widened her eyes due to the temperature and then shut them tightly when a cold wind came by, and then proceeded to become a hibernating baby.
And to Mommy who really hasn't been out and about for several weeks, and forgot her gloves. Oh well, as long as Eliza is warm and as long as the snot coming out of Mommy's cold nose doesn't drip the baby's head, then we're okay.
Lesson #1 for Eliza: How do you make yourself warm on a cold day?
By drinking hot chocolate, duh!
Then we walked to Steinway Street to get a few temperature appropriate clothing for the wee one. Eliza was such a good sport. She stayed wrapped up for the entire trip and barely a peep was heard.
We got home and quickly took off our winter ware because someone was getting hungry.
Lesson #2: Appearances matter, even in winter.
It is usually a good idea to keep a comb or brush on hand when you take off your hat, so you may be presentable should the need for a photograph arise.
Yeah, it was a good day.